January 9, 2014

One Year from Today

This is the time of year businesses are setting their goals for the quarter, half year, three quarters, a year, three years, and five years, so I thought it might be fun and interesting to do the same.

I'm not going to bore you with a mega post laying out specific goals for each quarter or years to come. I'm just going to fantasize a bit about where I want to be this time next year, and then I can look back come 2015 and see how I did.

One year from today, I hope to...

1. Be in much better shape.
2. Have published Right of Succession and be working on edits and rewrites of my next novel.
3. End the year having once again doubled sales for Contented Comfort.
4. Managed to make it all the way through 2014 having blogged and/or vlogged at least once a week, every week.
5. Have destroyed my sweet tooth.

Where do you want to be one year from today?

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