September 28, 2009

52 Weeks: Week 26 Update

Wow, I'm at the challenge halfway mark. Has there been a change? You better believe it!

We're all in better health than we were twenty-six weeks ago. I'm two sizes smaller. Hubby and I are slowly but surely regaining the closeness we had before children and the rigors of bring home work started eating up all our couple time. It's looking like we may have finally come upon techniques that will rid our home of CHAOS for good. (I mean in both the traditional sense and Flylady's acronym of Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome.) The girls are beginning to pick up on the new habits, and we're growing spiritually again.

So, how about week twenty-six specifically?

I love the zone method! Even with the unexpected coming at us in spades thanks to a new block of cheese that apparently wasn't as pasteurized as it was supposed to be, the house stayed looking good all week. Hubby and I even got up the courage to try reorganizing a closet with the girls playing across the hall. After all, it was just for twenty minutes. We'll pick up where we left off on Saturday.

Hubby and I sat down for our discussion while the girls napped Saturday afternoon. We were in agreement about the zone method and his swapping out days with the creative writing class. Both have worked well in the past week, and we're going to see if it was a fluke. As my high school band director used to say, "Once is a fluke, twice is luck, three times is skill." Then we kicked around some ideas to help Boo Bear with her counting and letters. Neither of us is a kinetic learner, which she definitely is, so finding ways to help her learn requires some outside the box thinking on our parts.

We had more vegetables, and I did almost all the food preparation this week. We did get a frozen pizza yesterday evening.

I was horrible about remembering to use the netipot this week. Though I did remember it this morning.

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