May 17, 2013

Alternating Work: Who Would have Thought?

I mentioned a week or so back I've been falling behind as a writer because I've been getting all caught up in soaping. This week, I've been trying alternating days. 

One day's work a few weeks back.
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I do as much housework as I can along with snapping photos of any new items I made the day before and getting them wrapped up in the morning, and then I spend three or four hours in the afternoon writing. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, I make a batch of soap before breakfast, then clean and handle my workout. I make another batch just after lunch before editing photos, listing new items, and blogging. If there's any time left before dinner, I do what editing or writing I can on Right of Succession (RoS). Then I make one final batch of soap just before bed.

It's a bit mad and still busy, but it's more manageable than trying to do everything at once and failing at all of it. On my writing and cleaning days, I do handle a bit of the "soaping" stuff, but with each batch being fairly small, wrapping the day before's work only takes an hour or so. I've also been leaving my "set" for product photos up while I'm making so many new items. Draping the clean towel only takes a few seconds, and I'm usually done within twenty minutes. On the same note, I also do housework on my soaping days, but it's the quick, everyday sort of things like dishes, laundry, and of course, making sure the counters and stovetop are shining before I drape the counters with waxed paper to make cleaning up any soap or oil spills easier.

Yeah, if you've been seeing my updates on Instagram, the reason the table under the soaps looks filmy is because I lay down clean waxed paper before unmolding the soaps to protect both them and the wood.

I might not have gotten quite as far as I wanted with edits Wednesday, but the point is, I managed a whole chapter and a half. I even managed to get a bit more done on RoS while also making three batches of soap yesterday. I might have to keep this routine up for the long haul if it keeps working this well.

What are your productivity tips and tricks?

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